The first point in dealing with and overcoming a problem whatever its form is by listening, not responding to it with conditions that are equally burning. Before taking action and deciding what to do, you need to know what really happened to your household and what triggered the fight or the problem arose. For this reason, first, you need to listen first. After listening, then studied properly and only after that you can take action to overcome these problems. Try to be a good listener for couples both for husband and wife. Do not first criticize or cut off the conversation, let the couple explain and express all his frustration. Because from there you will know the root of a problem that occurs. This might make you upset with the couple who are constantly grumbling but to be able to do it right and give the right decision, then you need to know the source of the problem and what is expected by the couple as clearly as possible.

Talk in the Right Conditions
Conditions and time are factors that must be considered in solving the problem of problems in the household properly. You have to know when the right time and conditions in expressing the problem and when you should postpone it. Do not until when the problem is burning and emotions are mounting you then invite the couple to discuss and discuss all the problems. Believe that what happens is not solving the problem, instead, you will get anger from your partner. For that, find the right time and condition when your mind and heart are with your partner in a cold and clear state. Persuade your partner to sit together with a cup of hot tea or coffee and start talking and have the couple express their intentions well so you can understand. In this way, slowly but surely they will begin to melt and begin to express their intentions.
Thinking from the Pair’s Viewpoint
Often a person’s helplessness in dealing with a problem is because he constantly sees the problem from his perspective without seeing his partner’s point of view. Even though this is very necessary to be able to determine what is right and what is wrong in accordance with the mutual agreement. For this reason, try to see everything from orangain’s perspective. This is useful to really understand the position of the couple in the problems you face both. Think about the consequences, sadness, loss or even pain that must be borne by the couple. Thus, solving problems will be better achieved.
Mutual Openness
Healthy and absolutely necessary communication to build a harmonious household. The key to healthy communication in a household is with mutual openness. Establishing a household relationship is tantamount to being ready to open up fully to a partner and not trying to keep certain secrets from loved ones. Which, this attitude of openness is important also applied when facing problems. Do not dampen emotions, because if you continue to be left so, these emotions will slowly accumulate into a big thing that can explode at any time.
Remember Again With the Commitment You Made With Your Partner
If the household problems you face together with your partner are already large and risk endangering the stability of the relationship together with your partner. Then remember your commitment when you and your partner decide to live together when you first. Realize that every problem will be solved. Life continues to spin, you and your partner will not always feel the downturn in the problem.
Problems are a natural thing that happens in a household. But how we can deal with and pass it is something that will always make marital relations last longer.